Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Red Sox Memorial Day / 4th of July / 9-11 Hats

Since they started the 'Stars and Stripes' hats on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and September 11th in 2008, two hats have been awesome, and one tolerable.  This hat is one of the awesome ones.

For the past two years, MLB has been making a large portion of the hat white, and its pretty much an unwritten rule in baseball that white hats are always a bad idea.  The first year, the hat was similar to this design for the Red Sox, with the navy blue, but instead of camoflauge in the 'B', there were stars and stripes.

For every hat sold, 100 percent of the proceeds will go directly to the Welcome Back Veterans Fund.  I'll be picking one up Wednesday afternoon so I can wear it when its not raining.

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